Departments & Development Plan

                                        BUGIRI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Third 5YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN

                                                                            FY 2020/2021-2024/2025

                                                          PROPOSED DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITIES




·         Purchase of Land for a seed secondary  school

·         Purchase of land for expansion of Busaanzi and Al jama P/S

·         Procurement of Vehicle and Motorcycles  for the department

·         Construction of Classrooms for various government schools

·         Construction of Latrines to enhance hygiene and sanitation in schools

·         Continued Renovation and Maintenance of school infrastructure

·         Procurement of Office Equipment for Education department

·         Continuous departmental  Budget Preparation and Quarterly Reporting

·         Construction of Teachers ‘ Quarters  










·         Construction of 3 Bridges at YMCA, Mukuba, and Butambula-Busaanzi swamps

·         Resealing of Roads like Trikundas, Market, Busoga, Kawune-Wakooli,Bukooli Avenue

·         Periodic and Mechanized routine  Maintenance of various roads within the Municipality

·         Opening and Shaping of Roads

·         Procurement of Culverts

·         Procurement of Pick up for the department

·         Office Equipment

·         Engineering Designs for all Projects

·         Continuous Road condition Assessment

·         Drainage Construction and Maintenance

·         Attending Emergencies as they Occur

·         Mechanical Repair and Maintenance of the Fleet

·         Construction and Maintenance of Buildings

·         Continuous  Budget Preparation and Quarterly Reporting





·         Procurement of Production equipment like Mushroom growing materials, Milk Testing Kits, Honey harvesting Materials, Fish Farming Kits among others

·         Vaccination of Livestock, Poultry and other Petty animals

·         Continuous sensitization of farmers on the modern farming technics

·         Acquisition of Land for expansion of Abattoir

·         Creation  and Maintenance of Demonstration farms

·         Tsetse fly Surveillance and Monitoring

·         Procurement of Meat Inspection stamp




·         Continuous Support to Women, Youth and PWDs

·         Construction of Youth Rehabilitation Centre

·         Construction of Functional Adult Literacy Centers

·         Maintenance of Public Library

·         Continuous Gender Mainstreaming




·         Creation of Revenue data base and Backup system

·         Conduction of household census and demographic data collection to aid proper planning

·         Creation of Statistical data base

·          Setting up of a Municipal web site and customized mail addresses for all staff

·         Procurement of Motor Vehicle for Finance department to facilitate Revenue Mobilization and Collection

·         Continuous Revenue Mobilization, Assessment and Collection.

·         Continuous  Budget Preparation and Quarterly Reporting

·         Continuous Financial Management and Accountability



(Physical planning & Environment)


·         Preparation of a Physical Development Plan for BMC

·         Preparation of a detailed Structural Plan for BMC

·         Acquisition of Total Stations for Surveying.

·         Acquisition of Office Equipment.

·         Continuous Processing of Land Tittles for Public Land.

·         Creation of Mayor’s Gardens and Leisure Parks

·         Continuous  Budget Preparation and Quarterly Reporting






·         Formation of Development Forum

·         Securing an Industrial Park

·         Enhancement and Creation of SACCOs with in the Municipality.

·         Promotion of Hotel and Leisure Facilities





(Human resource, procurement, Enforcement,


·         Construction of Office Block

·         Construction of Division Head quarters  

·         Timely Payment of Salaries, Pension and gratuity for retired Staff

·         Preparation and Consolidation of Procurement Plan

·         Effecting Compliance and Adherence to Laws